Nicole Park, ’23
Nicole Park is a focused and drived first year student at ULCA. Her academic and career aspirations are to major in political science or public affairs with a minor in entrepreneurship. After graduating, she wants to either attend law school and receive her Juris Doctor to practice criminal law or work as a consultant for businesses in Los Angeles.
Throughout her four years at UCLA, she wants to explore other fields as well, including environmental studies and public health, to gauge her interest in these areas and to see if she can incorporate them into future career plans. Film and screenwriting is another interest of her, and she plan to take a number of film classes and possibly consider a career in Hollywood film. Nicole believes the possibilities are truly endless!
Nicole feels honored to be counted among the Ehrlich Alumni Scholars and has aready made genuine frienships through the Alumni Scholars Club. She feels as if she has truly found a place that is not only intellectually provoking but supportive as well and looks forward to exploring the activites and opportunites UCLA has to offer.